True Masculinity and

Conscious Sexual Presence

Without the ability to inspire love in a woman or cause her to flower, one is not truly alive as a man.

Men often make themselves smaller than then really are, thus giving away their natural power to stir women. A man should be able to move a woman into her feminine through his energetic presence, simply by standing next to her. He needs to come back to that.

For a man to be able to reach into the inner feminine being in a woman, awakening places in her that are unconscious even to herself, he needs to develop a solid masculine conscious sexual presence. Deepening his energy, as it is normally too ‘thin’ to move a woman’s energy in a way she really feels.
What a woman really wants from a man - the most attractive thing for her, is that he owns himself.

A man may learn techniques to pleasure a woman and get some results, but what good is it if he doesn’t feel the same bliss himself. He needs to learn to enter into and be the energy that moves her. Then he will know that it is he himself that moves her, not just something he does.

Man can choose to rediscover his true power, not shying away from the responsibility, vulnerability and strength it requires to stand in it, and start enjoying his natural effect on women and the world around him.


©2018 Loving Arts