Tantric Lore

When there’s a felt experience of opening up or coming in touch with a deeper place in ourselves, we grow spiritually - and only then. Without a conscious experience, these hidden depths in us might as well not exist, since we have no real relationship to them. We don’t deal in wishful thinking spirituality.
Tantra belongs to our own immediate experience. It can be seen in someone’s eyes, or felt in someone’s voice - if we know how to tune in.

1# Wanting to feel truly good       People pay a lot of attention to how they look, or how they are perceived by others, but very little to what really matters; their ability to feel good. It is a muscle that has to be trained.
We need to let go of the idea that we should adapt to whatever others seem to be feeling, or to use society’s idea of what it means to feel good to calibrate how we should feel. Instead we need to learn to sit into our own deeper energy.
Nothing is as attractive as someone sitting deeply in their own good energy. It’s irresistible to those tuned to truly good vibes - and establishes a direct energetic communication with them from the beginning.
It’s the secret to true relating - tantric relating, and where all the fun begins.
2# Pure sexual energy                People tend to either turn their backs on sexuality or fetishize it in some way. Even in spiritual circles people want to ‘transform’ sexual energy into love or consciousness. But that is just people tiptoeing around having a meaningful connection with their sexuality in a real way.
We can never really know what we don’t love.
Sexual energy is not something to be transformed. It’s a dimension to be entered into.
What needs to be transformed is oneself, and all the unconscious negativity and distortions associated with sexuality that cripples one’s experience of it.
When sexual energy is felt in its pure form, every gasp and gesture during lovemaking reveals itself as the pure expression of the conscious energetic bliss that it really is.
3# The wish to meet oneself Most people can’t stand to be with themselves for 5 minutes without distractions. They don’t know how to, or why they should. Yet, learning how to really be with oneself is what turns everything around. It’s where confusion transforms into intelligence, distraction into focus and searching into satisfaction.
The wish to feel oneself loosens the knot of effort. It brings us right past all the trying-hard, to where we can feel the pull of our inner being - which is where spirituality gets very real.
4# A desire to be conscious It is our total intelligence, our consciousness, that shapes our experience of each moment - the fundamental sense of who we are and what life is. Intelligence is the core of consciousness.
Becoming conscious is where we begin to perceive intelligences that lie outside the scope of our ordinary consciousness - revealing the illusion of a singular reality we assumed we shared with others. It lifts us out of the prison of our limited reality and sets us free. We become conscious of consciousness itself.
‘Consciousness’ is unlike anything else. It’s elusive. To awaken consciousness, practice is not enough - one needs an appetite for being conscious.
Once tasted, just like a good lover, you can’t imagine life without. It’s the pure taste of freedom.
5# Love as a form of intelligence Love is the deepest form of intelligence. It is the language spoken in the deeper dimensions of life and the inherent intelligence of all spiritual life.
But to know love one has to become a Lover. One has to enter into the energy and intelligence of love and start living from there. It is attraction to know and experience this spiritual dimension of life that gives us the courage to enter deeper on the inside of it.
Living from within Love, we can extend into the energy of sex - deeply healing the splits in ourselves between love and sex and the mind, giving us a constant conscious access to both of these energies.
6# Tantra as a spiritual practice It’s the ability to feel that makes Tantra real as a spiritual practice.
Only when there’s a felt experience of opening a deeper place or energy in ourselves, do we grow spiritually. Without a conscious experience, these depths might as well not exist, since we have no real relationship to them. What we cannot feel, we cannot truly experience.
Learning to open ourselves up to energies (that we can actually feel) unlocks the doors to Tantra. It’s how we learn to ride the waves of changing energy and movements in our consciousness during lovemaking and in everyday life - guiding ourselves consciously towards absorption into the divine.

tantric lore

©2018 Loving Arts