About Me

I first felt the power latent in sexuality when I was a boy playing with the neighbour girls. There was something in the attraction between us that seemed 'holy', more than just the sexual excitement itself - which is immature and undeveloped at that age, although clearly present. It stirred something in me that I could feel was extraordinary, not part of the everyday world.

This sparked a lifelong interest in relating, sexuality and attraction. An interest in the realm of pure feeling, rather than emotion. I could sense its potential to awaken deeper (transcendent) energies and realities in me. It was undeniable. I wanted to learn what that potential really was, and what it is that makes a truly moving and opening experience between people.

floater It was first when I got to South Africa that I had a more fully conscious experience of this. Of deeper 'energy' or realities, and a kind of 'conscious' relating.
Meeting an old hippie couple living out in the forest, who, just by how they were with eachother, managed to flip my ordinary intelligence (the way we view life) out of place and got me to see into a different reality - in which they were Living.
A reality hidden to the physical eye, yet visible to consciousness - where everything really happens.
It revealed to me many things, including that reality is not singular, external and shared by all - as is usually assumed, but internal, spiritual in nature, and taking place in the realm of consciousness/energy - whether we are aware of that or not.

Wanting to move deeper into this way of knowing life, I began searching out people whom I thought would know this territory and would be able to help me.
Some of the people I've studied with or who have influenced in deep ways include (from the beginning); Rahasya and the people at Advait Tantra School in South Africa, traditional African healer and shaman (Sangoma) Peter von Maltitz, master martial artist Ludwig Strydom, meditation-master Anadi, tantric wizard Nityama, and a strange Man and teacher called A. Baksh.
And also some people of the past times, like Siddha guru Adi Da, the infamous diarist, erotic writer and artist Anais Nin, buddhist Tantra teacher Chøgyam Trungpa, and psychologist Carl Jung - transmitting some of their energy and insights through their writings and art.
And not to forget some True Souls I've met and known along the way.

©2018 Loving Arts