Courses and Retreats

A retreat is a chance to get a break from our fixed ways of being in life and connect to deeper places in ourselves, getting in touch with energies and levels of consciousness not yet part of our range of experience.
Also, it’s a chance to meet some new people outside our usual circle that we’d otherwise be unlikely to cross paths with.
Here, you are invited to move into your most beautiful and profound feeling of yourself - and learn to relate to others from there.


In the retreats and workshops we work with the following:

Silent meditations; connecting with the inner being, absorbing in the inner being.
Contact; the starting point of all tantric work and true relating. No contact, no electricity.
Quality of attention - the key to energy work, tantra and self-knowledge. How to use attention in a conscious way.
Living and using our gender in a conscious way. Discovering the depths of gender.
Q and A; Exploring different aspects of inner work and tantric relating.
What is consciousness? How to relax our consciousness - the root of all tension. Recognizing reality.
Unconscious relating dynamics; transcending the Rejection-withdrawal-punishment ritual through trust, vulnerability and truth.
Daring to live. Moving from the psuedo-desire of socially sanctioned desire, into awakening and living true desire.

Upcoming retreats and workshops are posted consecutively, as dates are fixed

©2018 Loving Arts